A Board of Directors comprising representatives of its Active Members governs MEGA.
A President heads the Board. The Vice-President is in charge of financial matters. A Secretariat Office under the General Secretary deals with the day-to-day administration and supports all the technical and safety work of MEGA. Under the supervision of the Board is a Technical Committee that directs all the work on safety, environmental, regulatory, standardization and harmonization of practices by supervising the Working Groups activities.
A Board of Directors (BoD) comprising currently six (6) representatives of its Active Cat.1 members, governs MEGA. Associated members of the Board, e.g. the TC-Chairman are participating in the BoD meetings.
A President elected by the BoD members and ratified by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for a two years term of office heads the Board.
The Vice-President elected by the BoD members and ratified by the AGM for a two years term of office will automatically become the next President after two years. The Vice-President is in charge of MEGAs financial matters.
Under the supervision of the Board is a Technical Committee (TC) that directs all the work on safety, environmental, regulatory and standardization by supervising the Working Groups (WGs) activities.
The main aims and activities within the scope of MEGA are co-ordinated and implemented by the MEGA Technical Committee (TC). It is assigned specific policies, activities and objectives by the Board. The TC members are delegates from member companies. They are selected for their recognized experience in various fields of the Industrial Gases activity. The TC reports to the Board of Directors through their Chairperson. The TC creates Work Groups (WG) that are assigned specific harmonization and implementation tasks for defined subjects.
Chairman: Mr. Jayaseelan Anbalagan
Member Company: Gulf Cryo
Tel:+971 4 809 0000 Ext 1265
Email: janbalagan@gulfcryo.com
The MEGA WGs are the strongest force of our association. They are formed by recognized experts delegated by the member companies based on their combined responsibilities, know-how and skills from the Industrial Gases industry. All over Middle East they are predestined to elaborate documents and recommendations for our industry.
The Technical Committee (TC) creates and approves the newly formed WG after establishing a “Scope and Terms of Reference”.
The WGs are composed of a chairperson and a number of experts (normally 4 to 7) from participating active member companies.
TC ensures that different companies and countries are well represented and the qualification and availability of the experts is given.
Working Group Air Separation Unit (WG-ASU)
Chairman: Mr. Ahmed Zoelfakkar
Member Company: Abdulla Hashim Industrial Gases And Equipment Co (LLC)
Tel: + 966 126621500 Ext.2140
Fax: +966 12 6622425
WG-ASU scope of work includes the design, construction and safe operations of ASUs and Gas Generators, their accessories and pressure vessels for liquefied gases. The major WG responsibilities are:
Working Group Hydrogen (WG-HYD)
Chairman: Mr. Elie Adaimy
Member Company: Gulf Cryo LLC
Tel: +971 4 809 0012 Ext 1212
Fax: +971 4 885 1346
The WG-HYD is responsible for overseeing directives related to hydrogengas and focuses on promoting the use of renewable hydrogen as a clean energysource. They have the following key responsibilities:
· Stay up-to-datewith international requirements and developments concerning renewable hydrogen.
· Share regionalexperiences on the development of renewable hydrogen value chains and theirimpact on regional development.
· Build strategicpartnerships to promote and facilitate global actions on clean hydrogen andfuel cell deployment across regional, national, and municipal economies.
· Encourageglobal deployment projects and conduct empirical analysis to advanceunderstanding of the clean hydrogen and fuel cell technology market, which caninform policy and program development.
· Recommendtraining and educational programs to build necessary skills for the hydrogenindustry and foster community understanding and support for hydrogen.
Through these initiatives, the WG-HYD actively promotes the use ofrenewable hydrogen as a clean energy source, leveraging knowledge sharing,partnerships, deployment projects, and training programs.
Working Group Medicinal Gases (WG-MED)
Chairman: Mr. Amar Singh
Member Company: Gulf Cryo LLC
Tel: + 965 1 802 028 Ext. 3200
Fax: + 965 2 326 1270
Email: asingh@gulfcryo.com
WG-MED scope of work include regulations for Medicinal Gases, Medical Devices and Lobbying/Influencing of authorities.
The major WG-MED responsibilities :
Working Group Transport (WG-TRA)
Chairman: Mr. Paul Vincent
Member Company: TRISTAR,
Tel: +971 4 899 7900
E-Mail: paul.vincent@tristar-group.co
WG-TRA works on the transportation of gases including the following responsibilities:
Working Group Cylinders (WG-CYL)
Chairman: Mr.Mohammed Sallam
Member Company: Air Liquide
Tel: +971 4 205 5559
Email: mohammed.sallam@airliquide.com
WG-CYL scope of work includes the design, construction and safe handling of gas cylinders, their accessories and pressure vessels for compressed, liquefied or dissolved gases. The major WG responsibilities are:
Safety Advisory Group (SAG) & Environment (ENV)
Chairman: Mr. Pradeep Nair
Member Company: Gulf Cryo
Tel: +971 (4) 8848199
Fax: +971 (4) 8849353
E-mail: pnair@gulfcryo.com
The Safety Advisory Group was created in 2010. Its aims and objectives are the core of MEGA‘s mission
WG-ENV works on environmental affairs includes the following responsibilities: